Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Theory of Life Span

Everyone wonder how we live in this world for some years. This kindles a tricky question how the life span differs for different people including other living things. Some may have shorter life in terms of days while for others it extend like centuries, starting from simple house flies to long living Tortoise and Turtles. How could this happen.. Why such variability among all..
This question and confusion arises because of our wrong notion and methodology which we adapted for calculating life span.
For your information all living beings have equal life span (VEDA). Wondering how.. Its simple to explain. Normally how we calculate a life span. By Time, isn't it? i.e. in terms of days, weeks, years to fall on. But this is wrong formula for life span estimation. Then how our VEDA clearly states that all have equal life span. And here is the answer for that,,..
Think in another dimension and perspective. It says life time is being calculated by our breath count. Yes our normal breathing time (Caution: Not based on Heart Beat Rate) decides how long we might live in this world. Let me explain with an example. We, the humans normally take breath 12-16 times per minute. Our life span app. goes upto 70-80 years. But considering Tortoise it usually breathe for 3-5 times/min. Nearly one third of ours. Hence its lifespan extends thrice than ours. This is how we should calculate our span. Through meditation we can bring down this breath count by 4-5/min. Thats how our saints and yogi's lived a long life in the past.
Please dont do research on this to contradict. This is a simple hidden and undeniable fact of life.


  1. Wow Petchi That's a good launch! This breathing exercise having enormous power belongs to "Kapaalapaadhi Praanayaama" and its ilk. Nice and an informative post. Go ahead and Keep Ur words flowing.

  2. Nice Info indeed!! keep going...

  3. informative post!! Update your blog with more such interesting posts...

  4. well .. cant say much about the authenticity of the information. I'd rather stay mum. But yea a different sort of a post at a time when people just write blogs to flaunt their englipis .. and their vocab. Keep going ..

  5. Infact you are true..you have unearthened one of the self control techniques followed by so called saints "yogis"..But there are many things to be demystified from them..For example they live with out food and water for many years..

    Good start by you..Keep it up..
