Sunday, July 22, 2012


There is no word to describe the power of Chilli other than HOT in English. I feel that it can’t be explained by a much better word. The Chilli is always a cardinal item of prominence in our daily dishes. It has been proven that it contains few medicinal benefits. Vitamin content is superfluous in it with Vitamin-C specifically in abundance. Scientific results also say that a single Chilli weapon posses four times the amount of vitamin-c present in orange and as much in any other fruit for that matter.
An inconvenient truth behind this dangerous item is that it acts as a cathartic agent. It almost has the effect of a tepid poison.  Our human body doesn’t readily accept the invasion of Chilli into the food tract and rebels by. Hence our normal defense cleanses it in the form of liquid feces. We often experience this situation when we consume a surplus amount of Chilli than the normal. When taken in small doses it won’t affect us especially Indians much as we’re used to it. Unless the effects produced by this Chilli are observed intuitively we just ignore it as a false alarm of our body.
It is a fact that every foreigner whoever tastes the subcontinent food, suffers manifold times than an Indian would. In a way it acts as the remedy for those people dealing with constipation problem.  I was confounded whether to laugh or not when I happened to listen to a conversation of a foreign guest who was trying pacify his child dealing with the same problem. He said, “See my child; I never had the problem of constipation when I was in India. Don’t worry; someday I’ll definitely take you with me there to tackle your problem. ” Oh my, isn’t it ridiculous to hear such words.
After going through some facts and reports about the Chilli, I become curious to experiment it on my own. Then I decided to take it in more in my food than usual. The purgative effect immediately materialized even before the end of the day. It was then I understood my body's mechanism to readily reject Chilli like any other unsolicited junks.
Tracing back its origin, it actually doesn’t belong to our sub-continent though it occupies a defiant position in our kitchen groceries. It was traded from Persia and Arabic by archaic time’s traders. So how did we survive without this major taste making grocery in cooking in those Pre-Chilli days? The answer to this is black gold - Pepper. This was supposed to be the best source of alternative to Chilli while adding rich hotness in our food along with surplus medicinal benefits. Even the English people had known the benefits of pepper once they got a taste of it. Hence they traded it efficiently along with other rare spice commodities and flourished.
So muse over this and try to nullify from your diet. Eat right and live well.


  1. Informative one Petchi… Had a good laugh remembering our experience with foreign host....

  2. Informative one Petchi… Had a good laugh remembering our experience with foreign host....
